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Server Bann EMPERiUM1453 ''suspected cheater'' false

Dear LF community,

I have been banned by Grawallschachdl for being suspected of cheating, but this ofcourse not true and such accusation is absolutely false.

I think cheater catchers like Cachapelo and others will admit what I am saying.

Can I please be unbanned ? Thnx !

Hey Emperium,

welcome to our website. Regarding your request, I will speak with the banning admin first and see if there is some kind of video or something like that, so pls be patient as this might take some time


EMPERIUM1453 hat auf diesen Beitrag reagiert.

Hey fa-st,

Thank you,   I appricate it. I am been banned without any proof, just being suspected of cheating.

Thx for youre time

Seems to be a mistake. Sorry for that, you should be able to play again

EMPERIUM1453 hat auf diesen Beitrag reagiert.
Zitat von EMPERIUM1453 am Dezember 22, 2018, 16:21 Uhr

Dear LF community,

I have been banned by Grawallschachdl for being suspected of cheating, but this ofcourse not true and such accusation is absolutely false.

I think cheater catchers like Cachapelo and others will admit what I am saying.

Can I please be unbanned ? Thnx !

Dear Emperium,

I would like to apologize to all form with you. Sometimes it's not easy for admin to make a decision. Here I made the mistake of being influenced by other players and thus treated you wrongly. Please forgive me! I hope we can still play together. I wish you a merry christmas

b4n4n45p1i7, kupferschmid und 4 andere Benutzer haben auf diesen Beitrag reagiert.

realy nice post
It's good to stand by your mistakes.

EMPERIUM1453 und Kach102 haben auf diesen Beitrag reagiert.

Grawallschachdl dont need to appolige we are all human being , but if you do I accept it, very nice and kind of you. Would love to play a game with you, see you all around 🙂

Thanks all guys, and girl 🙂

kupferschmid und Grawallschachdl haben auf diesen Beitrag reagiert.